And today, fellow bandmate Ben Lashes (or Clarke, whatever) sent out a bulletin with the video for Palmer, AK's "Same Rain/Noelly," recorded with Eric's own cell phone. According to Ben, "His cell phone will only take 10 second video clips yet somehow he may have just made the best music video ever. Watch it!"
I really love the '80s, DIY feel to that, in both the song and the video. I feel like I'm watching old school MTV (as if I ever watched old school MTV at like, a year old). I could do without looking up Eric's nose while he pretends to whistle, but other than that...I mean, the man kisses a plastic dinosaur! What's not to love?
The rest of Palmer, AK's have that acoustic, made-at-home feel, probably because "all Palmer, AK songs start off as 4-track cassette tape demos before being modernized to fit the needs of our urban Myspace mp3-demanding lifestyles." How dreamy, how gentle.
You can download "Same Rain/Noelly" from Palmer, AK's 'Space.
Yes, that video is GREAT! I wonder if he'll ever go on tour with Palmer, AK. I would very much enjoy that.