25 February 2008

Download free stuff this week: Unsacred Hearts, The Lashes

(I mean, not that you don't download free stuff EVERY week, right? Right.)

All right kids, this week ONLY, the Unsacred Hearts are giving away their self-titled, out-of-print debut EP for FREE. That's right, free. The entire thing, too, not just the one preview song or whatevs.

The Hearts write good ol' rock 'n roll songs about, well, just that: rock 'n roll. Known also as SBR01, this was the first release ever to come out of Serious Business Records, way back when in...2004. (Okay, maybe that doesn't qualify as "way back when.")

The year was 2003. It was getting cold outside. We never forgot that because the tiny one room rehearsal shack we'd rented from a friend in Long Island City didn't really have heat. We had it all set up to record in there and we'd get together a couple times a week, never without warm coats or cold Bud tall boys, to make music. Thankfully Joe Willie was on the mic for the first time and we loved it. Since mid '95 he'd been writing lyrics for our several underachieving backyard rock partnerships, all of which Dave and I loudly and proudly rocked for. His words, always honest and poetic, had taken on a new urgency, especially since what it seemed like he was writing about, in some way, was our lives as underachieving rock-band-dudes. Somehow he endowed our continuing musical pursuits with dignity and purpose, and we were genuinely fired up about it. We'd been dosing ourselves with very inspiring sounds, specifically Richard Hell's Blank Generation, lots of Mitch Ryder, Sam Cooke Live at the Harlem Square Club, all the bands in Michael Azzerrad's Our Band Could Be Your Life. During this period we all lived in Joe's house in Hoboken at the same time and we played our first shows at CBGBs, Maxwell's, Luxx. -Travis

Check out the tracklist and download it here, or save yourself the clicking and download the .ZIP file here, you lazy bums. Get it before this Friday, 29 February, at which point you'll have to shell out for it again.


And while you're at it, download Higgins' new single, "Yes I Know", too, 'cause it's super-good and all Beatlesyish.


Oh, and remember how the Lashes released side of their new record Thank You on 1 January? Well, they're giving that away for free, too. You can snatch that up at their 'Space.

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