The main reason for this is that I suffered from a stroke in June and unfortunately I do not know when / if I will be well enough to play guitar again.
On behalf of the band I'd like to say a big thank you to anyone who ever came to one of our shows, bought one of our records or danced to one of our songs in a club. Thank you, if it wasn't for you the whole thing would have been pointless.
Finally on a personal note, thanks for all your well wishing messages.
Dorian xxx
Um. I'm pretty sure that means the entire band is splitting up, though maybe Dorian's just leaving and they've decided they're not really the Long Blondes without him anymore....?
I hope the poor guy gets better.
Also, GRR! Seriously, 2008? Epic fail on the "bands staying together" front.

In other news, the Long Blondes are releasing "Singles" today, which is a compilation of their pre-Rough Trade singles, A-sides, B-sides, and bonus tracks. (Get it? "Couples" and "Singles"? Clever clever.) It includes the following tracks:
"New Idols"
"Long Blonde"
"Autonomy Boy"
"Giddy Stratospheres"
"Appropriation (By Any Other Name)"
"My Heart Is Out Of Bounds"
"Lust In The Movies"
"Separated By Motorways" (alternative version)
"Big Infatuation"
You can buy it here.
The Long Blondes - "Fulwood Babylon"
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