Higgins just dropped their second record, Zs, on Tuesday and they're playing their second of two CD release parties tonight (the first was yesterday at Maxwell's; details for tonight are below. (Ignore the fact that the above poster is actually for a couple of shows they did in August. Sorry.)
Higgins @ SoundFix Records
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
8 pm
w/ Benji Cossa
You can listen to "Write It Down" from Zs over here.
As for you other kids...

There's this Tom Petty tribute show going on at the Middle East up tonight. Nobody's really sure why there's a Tom Petty tribute show going on. I think they all just really like Tom Petty. Anyway, a bunch of really good Boston bands are playing, so you'll probably want to go. Deets are on the poster, except for the fact that the music starts at 9:15.
Um. 'Tis all for now.
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