Damian at Pearl St. up, 4/06
I was shocked - SHOCKED! - to walk into Pearl St. just as the show started to find about three-quarters of that night's audience already assembled. SHOCKED. The last time they played there, merely half the audience bothered to show up for the opening act. Then again, the last time they played NoHo was about three years ago, in April 2006, well before "Here It Goes Again" hit, so maybe I'm just all jaded and what-not.
Aside from messing up halfway through "Last Leaf," the only really memorable bit was a random audience member yelling out, "TAKING WOODSTOCK!", a film about - you guessed it - Woodstock in which Kulash is set to appear as a "fucking hippie," as he would put it. He tried, unsuccesfully at first, to show the crowd a picture via drummer Dan Konopka's iPhone:

Yeah, that didn't work so much.
When the mic cameras came back on during their three-song encore, we were afforded a better view:

Okay, that's a little better.

OK Go at the Paradise Rock Club, 1/06
Not much else to say, so, onward, then. I was super-psyched to see the band play at the 'Dise, which has been renovated since the last time I saw a show there three years ago, and, holy crap, it is so much smaller than I remember it having been. It is a teeny little box compared to what I had in my mind.
Conspicuously absent were openers Longwave, to be replaced by Boston-based Hooray for Earth. I wasn't completely taken with their performance, but apparently they are friends with OK Go drummer, Dan, who joined the crowd, jaunty cap and all, to watch their set (and subsequently accosted both me and Rachel. True story.). The show was an amusing affair, to say the least, as my friends in attendance took it upon themselves to make snarky comments and yell things at the band whenever possible. Best line of the night:
"Did you just yell 'play it again'? That's the second time in three days someone's said that." - Damian
They're the best.
So, to make up for the lack of inspired commentary / interesting journalism, here's a video of OK Go performing "A Million Ways" live, on electric. No, not dancing, and none of this acoustic bullshit they've been doing for the past few years. This is the way this song is SUPPOSED to be played, and I'd been waiting since their sophomore effort, Oh No, was released in 2005 to hear it live like this:
In possibly the singularly most fangirlish moment in my history (maybe - I've done some really fangirly things in the past), I literally screamed when they started playing this in Philly. Clearly I am 23-going-on-14.
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