You all remember last year, when Scamper, the powerpop band from Boston oh-so near and dear to my heart, called it quits, right? Because, like, I totally spent forever being upset about it.
Back in February, true to their style, those boys decided to be their own rumour mongers, dropping hints here and there of "something big" on the horizon. Could it be anything other than a reunion show?
Well, no, it couldn't. Well, actually, it could - it's more of a reunion set than a reunion show. Pals and fellow Bostonian band Harris, who were nice enough to play Scamper's last show, have also called it a day. So, essentially, they're getting back together to dance on Harris' grave before retuning to retirement and their respective new gigs, which is what any good friend should do.

The show is slated for 18th April at the Middle East down. All other details are on the poster above or at the venue's site. You can get tickets here.
ETA: Man, I should totally proofread my titles before I post so I don't wind up with things like "Because Harris splitting up." WHERE DID THE VERB GO??
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